When we are too invested in this life, we would be taking away what limited time & energy we have from working toward our goal of attaining the perfect life that lasts forever and ever in the hereafter. Instead we would be focusing too much of our time and energy on something that we know is temporary & shortlived.
And that way of living is such a waste of the assets & resources our creator has given us. Before our life runs out, why not use what little time & energy we have left to attain our happily ever after. If we don't we may suffer from the mother of all regrets later when we no longer have the chance to redeem ourselves and seek HIS pleasure.
This month may be our last Ramadhan to work on our hereafter. Let us take advantage of HIS generous offerings in this Holy Month and treat this Ramadhan as our last so that we would give our all in asking for His forgiveness and working towards His Jannah.
Insya Allah.