As a gentle reminder, never lose sight of the main purpose you were put on this earth.
If you haven't found it out yet, let me clue you in.
You know, this life?
It didn't just happen. We didn't just appear out of nowhere.
There is indeed a creator who created not only you and me but also the whole wide universe.
He is our master while we are merely His slaves.
He is the one who created us, allow us to move about, and feed us.
After all, He is the creator of all that is alive and the provider of our sustenance.
Only He deserves all the thanks for all the great things in life we get to enjoy since the day we were first formed in our mothers' wombs.
Yet most of us forget and dare to deny and defy Him.
We act as if we are the owner of this world.
Have we forgotten the source of our life and sustenance?
Do we really think that the resources abound all around us are of our own making? Of our own creation?
Nay, all are from Him.
Do wake up and realize that we are nothing if not for Him.
Accept the fact that we are nothing but a slave
To the one and only master, Allah.