I've said it once and I've said it before.
It's not as easy to just forgive and forget.
That sneaky suspicious feeling, somehow, somewhere when we least expect it will return and rear its ugly head.
Oh, doesn't matter that all parties thought that it's been resolved and it should no longer be an issue.
But the problem is it hasn't been resolved and it still is an issue.
No matter how hard I try, it still comes and goes as it pleases.
Sometimes it takes center stage, sometimes it lingers on the parameters of my mind. Only on occasion can I push it as far back as the deepest recesses of my mind, hoping against hope that I'd be able to forget that it had ever existed.
But knowing that it had once existed and may still do, leaves a sore feeling in my heart and a tight knot in my head.
To relieve myself of these crappy feeling, I know I have to interrogate that poor creature again for making that mistake in the first place.
Right now, it has taken center-stage. It's not just trying to attract my attention but it demands it. So it's only fair that I give it due thought.
I really don't want to get myself caught up in that intricate web of lies again, do I?
I hate having to agonize over it again. It's making me restless, bored and jittery.
The question is, am I bold enough to do the unthinkable?
Am I crazy enough to risk it all?