The Dark Side

Have you ever fallen into the dark side?

Maybe when things don't go your way and you feel that everybody and everything else in your life are up against you. You fall into a despair. You think it is beyond your control. So you might as well give up, right?

Well, not so fast.

It is so easy to let things slide, letting yourself fall into the dark side.

You may even become suicidal if you let all the negative thoughts take over your mind.

But has it ever occurred to you that you're not alone?

Take a look all around you. Life is not always cut and dried.

So you don't have to lose heart. It's not all that bad. At least it is not as bad as you think it is.

Sure, you have made a mistake, taken the wrong step and made the wrong turn.

But that is what life is all about. It's about making mistakes before you get it right.

Life is not always made up of rainbows and sunshine. You have the rainy days too.

Maybe right now in your world, the dark sky is falling, raining on you and adding to the gloom. But who's to say that in a day or two, the sun will not appear and make your life bright and sunny again?

If the gloomy feeling seems to last longer, maybe down at your side it's winter. But don't let yourself wallow in your sorrow. Don't dwell on it too much. After the dreary winter, the flowers will bloom again when spring comes to visit. And before you know it, bright summer days will soon follow.

That's how life is. It has its ups and downs. Sometimes you reach your peak and there other times you hit rock bottom. But have faith.

Because in this life, that's just the way things are. Life is not always perfect. It involves making choices and having balance. You don't always make the right choice. But you don't always make the wrong choice either.

So, chill out. Don't be too hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. Neither are you.

Forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made and the wrong route you've taken. Take it as a series of life lessons that give color to your life and make it more enriching and fulfilling.