Well for someone who has been in a stupor for so long.
Letting the pampered self to be further spoiled in the lap of unrealistic and unsustainable luxury, no less, is a big mistake.
Letting the pampered self to be further spoiled in the lap of unrealistic and unsustainable luxury, no less, is a big mistake.
To finally wake up to a harsh reality that nothing lasts forever.
Really bites, doesn't it?
So now you know and now you finally understand.
There's nothing much to say but a serve you right will simply do.... and oh, I told you so!
That's the very reason why I've always said not to let it get to your head.
All that wealth (or rather, a perceived sense of wealth ) should be regarded cautiously and with great responsibility too.
It's not all yours for the taking.
It's to be shared with the right and deserving ones to create happiness for you and for them alike.
Hope you've learned your lesson well.
Guess you now see spending recklessly like there's no tomorrow just to feed your ego serves nothing.